
The background to

In 1999 I was working as a business adviser for a Calor Gas distributor and I'd also worked closely with my father in law who ran a business selling and installing coal effect gas fireplaces. It seemed obvious to us all that patio heaters were going to become popular. Running parallel to this was my interest in the internet which I'd been involved with since 1995. Whilst I was was late to the domain name party I wasn't too late to register a few that took my fancy,  was one of them.

At the time I thought the idea of patio heaters was great. I loved being outside at night and my idea of a good night, like many people, involved great food, great wine and great conversation - if is was alfresco all the better. I bought an early patio heater, used it three times and realised that the idea of it didn't exactly match up to the reality. If you're standing in exactly the right spot they keep you warm, if you're sitting down - they don't. I'm sure they are much more effective these days but mine just got rusty and became an eyesore.

The original idea was to set up an e-commerce site selling patio heaters, but three things conspired against this. Firstly my personal experience, as described, wasn't that great. Secondly, I got distracted by the day job and thirdly, I started to become aware that patio heaters may not be best buddies with the environment.

Over the years I have had many approaches to sell the domain name but have been reluctant because I didn't want someone to promote patio heaters and further contribute to global warming. An hour ago I had another approach from a very nice chap who wanted to add the domain to his portfolio and use it to generate revenue through Google Adwords.

This is something I've been meaning to do for a long time using the domains I purchased years ago. And here I am, using a piece of free software, Weebly, to provide some information about patio heaters. If I can hone my writing skills, learn a bit more about how the web works and make a a few quid at the same time then I'll be happy.

So, should we stick on that jumper Gran knitted, light a fire with all that lovely sustainable wood, simply get back inside where it's warm or for those of us with addictions, maybe having a quick ciggy in the cold might even persuade us to give up OR is there an argument to say that whilst patio heaters are not the best when it comes to CO2 emissions, they're certainly not the worst.